Register as a FreeBMDFreeBMD Submitter

Welcome to the FreeBMD Registration.

Volunteers only require one SubmitterID regardless of the number of Syndicates they belong to. If you have previously transcribed for FreeBMD please continue to use your existing SubmitterID even if you intend to join another Syndicate or have been inactive for a long period of time. If you have forgotten your SubmitterID or your password, if you have changed your email address, or if you experience any problems involving your registration, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator with details of the problem.

SubmitterIDs are retained on the system regardless of how long ago transcription activity was last carried out by a volunteer using the ID. The administration team are able to locate a SubmitterID based on minimal information.

Failure to heed this advice will cause additional work and inconvenience for the administration team and yourself.

To register as a NEW FreeBMD Submitter please fill in the form below and click on Register

You will be sent an email to confirm your registration within the next 12 hours. It is vital that you supply the correct email address. If you haven't received the email within 12 hours please check in your SPAM folder in case it has been delivered there in error, this is particularly important if your ISP is AOL

Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you do not receive an email to confirm your registration; do NOT attempt to re-register.

First Name(s)
Email Address
Confirm Email Enter email address again for confirmation
Requested Submitter ID This will be used by the system to identify you. Users of FreeBMD will see this identifier - if you wish to remain totally anonymous use an identifier that does not identify you.
Password Make a note of your password, you will need it every time you log in.
Password (confirmation) Please re-enter your password here for confirmation.
Privacy Do not reveal my name (Submitter ID will still be shown)
Reveal my name but not my email address
Show my email address and invite correspondence on the entries I have submitted
Accept Corrections? YesNoAre you willing to perform corrections on the data you have entered? If you decline your syndicate will have to do the corrections and will have access to your files on FreeBMD. Once your syndicate has made such a correction to a file it will only be possible to amend that file online - it will not be possible to upload the data using File Management or transcription software (e.g. WinBMD).


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