FreeBMDFreeBMD linBMD2

A linux based system for FreeBMD transcription.

linBMD2 is a Linux transcription program for the FreeBMD project. It manages the whole transcription process from syndicates, to allocations and scans to transcribe. It includes many error checking algorithms to enable you to make a transcription as error-free as possible. You can correct your transcribed data if you find mistakes during your review process before upload. It will upload your finished scan transcription to the FreeBMD servers for you. You can belong to any number of syndicates, be working on any number of allocations and have any number of scan headers open at any one time. You must be registered on FreeBMD and have your FreeBMD user name and password to hand in order to use this program.

linBMD2 has been tested on Fedora, Debian, OPENsuse, Linux Mint and Mageia, so it should run on any of their derivatives, including Ubuntu. For other Linux distributions, please contact Contact

Download the linBMD2 User Manual

Before installing the program, please do read the user manual. It includes a step by step guide on how to use the program and describes the operational philosophy behind the program. It's in PDF format.

If you wish to use linBMD2, please send an email to Contact, with your FreeBMD user name, your linux distribution, and your desktop eg gnome, XFCE, KDE, LXDE etc. You will receive an email with the linBMD2 installer attached, and your authorisation code. When you have received this email, download the installer to your PC (probably in Downloads, make it executable by opening a terminal and entering

chmod 0777 /path/to/download/
Then run the script as root using either sudo or su, and follow the on screen prompts.

For install help, corrections, suggestions, please email us at Contact

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