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Welcome to the FreeBMD Information page.

The website is constantly under development. We appreciate your feedback but please note that your feedback will be posted to the FreeBMD Administration mailing list which will be seen by all subscribers on the list. Further details about the FreeBMD mailing lists can be viewed here.

Searching the Database

FreeBMD is an online database of the entries in the GRO Index (although not all entries in the index have yet been transcribed - see here for more details).

To search the database go to search page and for information about how to use the search page go to the search help page.

Having found an entry further information can be obtained by purchasing the certificate from the GRO - see Certificates for more information.

Reporting Problems

If you have a correction to an entry click on the Information button next to the entry and follow the instructions for submitting a correction.

If you experience errors while using this web site, or while submitting entries to the database, please report them to us at Contact support, including

Thank you.

Please note that this address must not be used to report errors in the data held by FreeBMD; use the correction process described in the first paragraph.

General Information


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Search engine, layout and database Copyright © 1998-2024 Free UK Genealogy CIO, a charity registered in England and Wales, Number 1167484.
We make no warranty whatsoever as to the accuracy or completeness of the FreeBMD data.
Use of the FreeBMD website is conditional upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

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